Monday, March 28, 2011

What's going on?

This is my 5th year of owning and running Westchester Adventure Boot Camp.  I've been in the fitness industry a long time, and other than being a rock star, I really couldn't imagine doing anything else.  :)  Nothing is more rewarding to me than hearing a client tell me I've helped them make positive changes in their life; that they feel stronger and more confident than ever before.  That they are wearing clothes that haven't fit into in years, or they've been shopping and have gone down a size or two.  I love to help women learn to be powerful and develop self confidence by working out.  Every day, they are working toward becoming the kind of person they want to be, and toward living the life that they want to live.  This is why I love my job.

It's taken me a long time to get on the blog band-wagon.  When I first went into business for myself, I was told it was a must, but it always seemed so self-indulgent to me.  Do people really care, or want to know what' going on with my life?   I think I'm just a regular person, doing regular things, you know?   In thinking about it more, and seeing the phenomenon of Facebook prevail over the past few years, I've realized people do want to know "stuff".  I reach a good amount of people with what I do, and if I can help just one person see something differently, or give them an idea - whether it's with their training, or their diet - than that's great.

For the next year, I will be studying through Intergrative Nutrition to be a health coach.  I will be part of a growing revolution to awaken and change society for the positive.  Nutrition is the only science where people can scientifically prove opposing theories and still be right.  People are completely confused about food, and our county is unhealthy and fatter than ever.  I feel like in a way, I've always been a health coach, but now I'm learning more tools to help people take control of their lives, unlearn destructive habits and start living to their full potential.  What a wonderful journey this will be. 

Stay tuned - I have a feeling Im going to have a lot of fantastic things to share with you!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Have you had your QUINOA today?

What is quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) anyway?  Well, it's often called a whole grain, but it's actually a seed of a leafy plant that can be subsituted for grains in cooking.  The people of South America have been using it as a staple in their diet for thousands of years.  They call quinoa the "Mother Grain" - and they call it that for a good reason; it's pretty close to being a perfect food with the balance of nutrition that it provides.  The nutritional profile is simalar to brown rice, only quinoa delivers more protein, and all eight essential amino acids.  It's a great source of B vitamins.  It contains high levels of riboflavin and potassium.  It's a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, folic acid and vitamin E.  It's also gluten free, and can be substituted for just about any other grain.  Quinoa has a delicious nutty flavor, and is kind of fluffy, yet crunchy at the same time.  It's also lighter and less filling than other grains.  The following recipe is one of my favorites, that I make often.  It's fast, easy, and delicious! 

Cranberry Walnut Quinoa
Makes 10 servings

1 cup quinoa (rinsed)
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup frozen edamame beans (or green beans)
1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup green onions, sliced
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 Tbsp EVOO
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Combine quinoa with 2 cups water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over hight heat.  Reduce to simmer, cover, and continue cooking until all the water is absorbed.  (about 15 minutes)

While quinoa cooks....In a small bowl, whisk the balsamic vinegar, olive oil and garlic until well blended and set aside.  In a medium bowl, combine dried cranberries, beans, walnuts and green onions.  When the quinoa is cooked, add it to the medium bowl, then pour the olive oil mixture over it.  Toss until well blended, then add salt and pepper.  (I acually never add the salt).  Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving. 

Calories: 158, Fat: 5g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Carbohydrates: 24g, Protein: 5g, Fiber: 6g