Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My First CrossFit Competition

I'm competitive by nature, and really enjoy throwing weights around (with complete control, of course), so a CrossFit Competition is right up my ally.  This was a three week, online competition where you submit videos of your workouts.  My final placing -which believe it or not was not important to me - was 23rd out of 46.  This was for the Masters Division, which was women 40+.  I feel like I could have done better had I done the workout another time or two before filming,  but I just didn't have the time.  The video links are below each workout description.

Workout #1:  Cindy Was A Nice Girl
Done on 1/6/12

10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible), every rep counts

Buy in:  50 KB swings (35#KB)
Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
15 Front Squats (65#)

I completed 127 reps total, and finished 45th out of 46.  My Pull Ups totally sucked, but I'm already better at them because I've been practicing.    :)  Watch the'll see how frustrated I get.  However, I also included a video at the bottom of the page where you'll see how my Pull Ups have improved.  Watch the video:  Cindy Was A Nice Girl

Workout #2:  Bear Trap
Done on 1/11/12

2 minutes.  Reps for total pounds moved.  Each round is 6 reps, score is multiplied by the weight in pounds.

1 Deadlift
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Press

I did 11 rounds + 4 reps with 75#.  My total score was 5250, putting me 16th out of 41.  This was definitely a better workout for me, but I feel like my flow could have been a little smoother and a little faster.  Click here to watch the video:  Bear Trap

Workout #3:  Open Chipper
Done 1/19/12

For time.

50 Abmat Sit Ups
40 Box Jumps (20" box)
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55# bar)
10 Overhead Squats (55#bar)

My time was 7:07, which placed me 13th out of 37.  This is one of my favorite types of workouts, and the weight for the bars wasn't anything crazy, so I was able to push pretty hard.  Here's the video:  Open Chipper

Here's my Pull Up video.  I'm able to get out 6 1/2.  This is with a taped hand from a broken blister, and after the Open Chipper workout.  :)