Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Logging Miles

Honestly, I've never watched a marathon - until November 7th.  Coincidentally, when I got on the treadmill at the gym that day, the women were waiting at the start ready to go.  What inspiration!  My thoughts when I started was to do about 5, but ended up doing 7 because watching those people just made me want to keep going.   I probably would have gone longer if it weren't for the yoga class I was going to at 10:30!  A lot of the training programs that are out there for these marathons (and 1/2's) build up your mileage as the weeks go on, but most don't have you do the full distance, saying that sheer excitement of the race with get you through the rest.  I think I understand why now.  If I was that inspired just by watching these athletes on TV, I can just imagine how it is when you're running beside them.

I've decided to bag the 1/2 in December.  It's in Vegas, and the timing just isn't so great right now.  I've also never been to Vegas, and when I go, I want to be able to enjoy it - I really want to see every Cirque show out there - and we weren't going to have time for it.  So, I will continue training, but I will set my sights on something more local.  I did enter the lottery for the NYC 1/2 in March, so we'll see.  Saturday there's a 10K race in Greenwich that I'm doing, so I'll let you know how that goes.  :)

I've been feeling pretty good while adding on these miles week after week.  I definitely feel it in my body though - my chiropractor likes to refer to these as "growing pains".  The pain has been in my left knee, but not enough to make me want to stop, and only hurts while I'm feels totally fine when I'm done.  I injured my right knee several years ago snowboarding, so I probably hit the pavement a little harder on that left side to baby the right side.  He did some mobility tests on me, and seems to think everything is fine, that it's just my body reacting to the extra stress I'm putting on it.  Quite frankly, I'd prefer it to react by losing some fat, but we all can relate to how that goes, right?  I've also got to hit the IT band with the foam roller a little more consistantly; I'm sure that will help too.

Today, I'll be getting in the pool for a workout.  Masters Swim last Saturday morning kicked me in the pants, which tells me I need to get in that pool more.  I crack up, because I'm in the "slow" lane, and I'm also the last swimmer in that lane - how I placed in those tri's this summer baffles me!  I think all form and precision when I was swimming must have gone out the window, and I did it on pure adrenaline and competitiveness.  Then I chased them down on the bike, which is the "easy" part for me.  I want to be a better swimmer though - and a faster one! 

Tomorrow I'll do some weight training, and some speedwork on my run.  Tabata - my favorite!  20 seconds of intense work, 10 seconds of rest, 8 sets.  If you haven't done it, try it.  It's sick.


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